An internet diary
I'll show you mine...
Published on February 25, 2004 By IanTyger In Just Hanging Out
Mine are (in no particular order, but the ones I spend more time on are probable listed earlier)
Roleplaying games (D&D 3.5 Link and Shadowrun Link mainly.)

Wargaming (mostly Battletech Link right now. I have a fairly decent collection of Warhammer 40K Link Dark Angels and Tau. And I have a large colelction of other chit/counter type wargames that one of these days I'll get someone to play

Computer Games (natch. Many genres)

Renaissance Faires.

Kite flying (though I haven't in a while)

on Feb 25, 2004
Due to my ShitComputer, I can't really play any kind of game on the Internet... however, I have discovered the joys of retrogames... simple computer games that are easily downloaded with few graphics. My main game right now is Lines. It's a habit, I'm addicted, oh well.

Basketball, paper-making, and potions with my little girl...