So I'm reading Instapundit and I
come across
article quoting from an inteview Senator John McCain did. Go read the article and
decide whether it's too harsh to say that the man has lost it...
He's a potential presidential candidate. And I already had issues about his
"campaign reform". But a man who thinks "I would rather have a clean government
than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become
corrupt. If I had my choice, I'd rather have the clean government," has no
business being in the Oval Office. I would rather vote for Hillary Clinton (who
at least has shown a little bit of understanding about the realities of national
security), with all of her many faults, than a man who would trample the First
Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
My only hope is that he has so far been proven unsuccessful in running as a
Republican for the office of President.
(Edited for link correction)