An internet diary
Published on April 5, 2004 By IanTyger In Movies & TV & Books
I resisted getting into Harry Potter for a number of years (at least 3). But now I'm hooked. The books are good clean fun, and the movies are both nifty, and as close to the books as I think a movie is realistically going to get.
on Apr 05, 2004
Hey, me too. I didn't get into the books right away, but now I am and it's hard to wait. I use phrases like "constant vigilance" and joke about how I wish I could write up notes on the chalkboard with a wave of my wand to my students.
on Apr 06, 2004
Well, depending on where you're teaching, sometime (maybe soon, maybe not), you'll be able to move your mouse at your desk; and the result will end up on the classroom's front screen. Behold Clarke's Law.

On the other hand, I'm willing to bet it'll lead to powerpoint presentations replacing teaching in ceartain (college, mainly) classrooms. Bah. (although some of my profs in college, a powerpoint presentation would have been more useful).