An internet diary
Another example of "it's not PC to be smart"
Published on May 14, 2004 By IanTyger In Blogging

Via SSDB comes this gem about workplace harassment. I read it, and all I have to say is that I had better not work there - I enjoy making cryptic references (pop culture, historical, what-have-you).

on May 14, 2004
This is funny, yet tragic...
on May 14, 2004
Wow. A new culture of idiots. I'll admit that I'm not a brightest bulb, but I just shrug or ask questions if I don't know a reference or who, or whatever.
on May 14, 2004
Incredible. P.C. culture has disintegrated to the point that to make a complaint makes the complaint valid? Blech.

Remember the old saw, "Just because you get an audience doesn't mean you have anything to say." Likewise, "Just because you can complain doesn't mean you have anything to complain about."

Blondie should have been laughed out of HR and told if she filed any more such frivilous complaints she'd be written up.