An internet diary
Crashed hard drive doesn't give me ulcers
Published on July 21, 2004 By IanTyger In Gadgets & Electronics
I put a RAID in for our home file server (for a variety of reasons, here at the Lair, we keep many files (including our music collection and the My Documents directories for myself and DW) out on a file server. Last year, when we were trying to figure out back-up strategies for roughly 80 gb of data (much of it effectively irreplaceable from source material, and including important financial documentation), we realized that it would be easier to just pop for a RAID controller and another 80 GB HD. When we ran short of space around six months ago, we added another pair of 80 GB HD units and reconfigured into a RAID 0/1. (Adding a TV tuner card for PVR capability at the same time, so we quickly ate up the additional space). This morning, I walked into the room with the file server, and heard it plaintitively bleeping to itself. Turn on the screen, and there's an error message ("Controller 1-Channel 1-Device 1 has failed"). After a moment of panic, I realize my data is still intact. Look up Adaptec's troubleshooting reccomendations. Starts with reboot and check the behavior. So I reboot, and the controller gives me a "data inconsistant" warning, and offers me the option of copying the data. I'm in the middle of that process right now - we'll see what happens. UPDATE: The recopy worked - we're back online
on Jul 21, 2004
That sure shows how important it is to back the data up.

Raid 0/1 is one of better ways to do so.