An internet diary
to record
Published on October 3, 2004 By IanTyger In Gadgets & Electronics
I may have mentioned this before, but we don't have a TV in use. What we do have is a computer with a TV tuner in it (actually, with 2 tuners, but I digress). It has software to do timeshifting and recording to HD; all the useful TiVO functions (including a prgram guide). I've been recording TV shows on and off. This is great for for us; but we have no way of getting the shows off so someone else can watch them. I recently acquired a DVD drive (DVD-R/RAM), and I'm now trying to burn my first DVD. Est time to completion: 3 hrs 10 min. Est length of video, 75 min...

UPDATE: corrected spelling

UPDATE !!: Failed due ot lack of disk space. I'm going to have to do something about that...

on Oct 03, 2004
There is something wrong with a burn taking almost three times longer than the material recorded.
on Oct 03, 2004
Well, the burn itself hasn't actually happened yet - looks like most of the time is re-encoding the video. (Which I don't understand, since the video is already in MPEG format)