An internet diary
Published on October 4, 2004 By IanTyger In Politics
This is a quick note jotted off in haste - I'll be updating it later. But the link goees to a story about a NJ teacher who is in hot water for posting a picture of President GW Bush in a display of other presidents.

More to follow when I have time

on Oct 05, 2004
Oh man! If it was just Bush, maybe it's "support for bush" but among previous presidents? That's just history!

Oh man that's just too much. Same as adults grabbing a kid's sign and ripping it up just because it is for "other party".
on Oct 05, 2004
What gets me is a parent apparently demanded that the teacher also post Kery's picture; not any of the other 49 senators...
on Oct 05, 2004
There are only 50 Senators? Hmmmm...

on Oct 05, 2004
No, there are 100. It's too early for me - I just woke up. LAte shift will do that to you.
on Oct 05, 2004
What gets me is a parent apparently demanded that the teacher also post Kery's picture; not any of the other 49 senators...

Apparently some people can understand that a man holds the office of President of the United States (which the office is too be respected) but some people cannot understand that the other man they want to hung up is not a President but a Senator, sort of out of place in a Presidential Montage right?

- GX