Well, no, not really. I just haven't been inspired and in front of my
keyboard at the same time. While I like my job, the schedule kinda sucks a
little. Also, almost all my free time has been taken up by
Puzzle Pirates, a nifty little
MMOArrrrPG. It's got some paradigm differences from most games in the genre, and
it has a system where I pay for what I use, rather than per month. So I don't
feel as guilty when I can only play once or twice a week; I'm not paying per
month for it. And when I'm not playing the game, I'm reading the associated
I've also been pretty slack about running the various RPGs I'm supposed to be
running, basically for lack of ideas (though lack of time to play is a
significant factor as well). But I haven't gone out of my way to make time
It's been a fairly lazy summer for me so far. I was hired on full-time at my
place of employment, at a decent raise in pay, so we can actually do a bit more
than make ends meet...
Now, let's see if I can make a blog post more than once every 6 weeks