An internet diary
write your senator
Published on February 26, 2004 By IanTyger In Politics
Gun-abolitionists have been trying for a number of years to destroy the firearms industry in this country by suing them into bankruptcy. Several states and the House of Representatives have passed legistation to limit this tactic. Now the Senate is considering a bill on the subject. Write your Senators and tell them to vote for S.1805. Thank you.
on Mar 04, 2004
Just what we need. We need to protect gun sellers from lawsuits. Hey, why don't we just go all out and skip background checks and age limits and types of weapons. My seven-year old brother really needs to have an AK-47. Call your Congresspeople and ask them to vote against any such bills. If a company sells a gun without a background check to some random person and that person kills someone, isn't that negligence? If it were an individual, not a company you could put the seller away for years (illegally selling a firearm, willful neglect to murder, or with a good DA even manslaughter 2). As such, we need to hold companies financially responsible to ensure they obey the laws. More NRA, ultra-right conservative bull, if you ask me.