From OpinionJournal's Best of
the Web yesterday:
Here's party chairman Howard Dean, talking with Tim Russert on "Meet
the Press" Sunday:
Russert: What is the Democratic position on Iraq? Should we
withdraw troops now? What do the Democrats stand for?
Dean: Tim, first of all, we don't control the House, the
Senate or the White House. We have plenty of time to show Americans what
our agenda is and we will long before the '06 elections.
Russert: But there's no Democratic plan on Social Security.
There's no Democratic plan on the deficit problem. There's no specifics.
They say, "Well, we want a strong Social Security. We want to reduce the
deficit. We want health care for everyone," but there's no plan how to
pay for it.
Dean: Right now it's not our job to give out specifics.
Really, who needs specifics? After all, other than in 2002, 2003 and
2004, Democrats have done very well running on a platform of "Bush is a
poopyhead." Why just last week they held onto the governorships of New
Jersey and Virginia!
Really... "It's not our job to give out
specifics"? How about just giving out any information. I don't know what
the Democrats positively stand for. (I know what they negatively stand
for - if President Bush is for it, they're against it). Give me a reason to vote
for the Democrats, not just against the Republicans. I already know why I want
to vote against the Republicans. But right now, I prefer the devil I know.