For a variety of reasons, I'm actually going to start blogging "over there" - mainly so I can do "private" entries. The right-wing-rants will stay here, as will most other things. Items I post there will be more ... personal, probably mostly "private" so if I don't know you, it won't be very exciting. If you think I should know you, friend me over there...
You Are 30% Weird Not enough to scare other people... But sometimes you scare yourself. How Weird Are You?
Spellsword 51% Combativeness, 40% Sneakiness, 79% Intellect, 41% Spirituality Aggressive, but with the brains to back it up: You are a Spellsword! Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you’ve fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an exceptionally talented person, but it probably doesn't. Spellswords combine arcane might with combat know-how. They're much tougher than mages, like to wear armor, and can cast spells throug...
Well, no, not really. I just haven't been inspired and in front of my keyboard at the same time. While I like my job, the schedule kinda sucks a little. Also, almost all my free time has been taken up by Puzzle Pirates , a nifty little MMOArrrrPG. It's got some paradigm differences from most games in the genre, and it has a system where I pay for what I use, rather than per month. So I don't feel as guilty when I can only play once or twice a week; I'm not paying per month for it. And when ...
Razorblogging is apparently the theme du jour over at the laconic , peripatetic , Instapundit; and I've been kicking around the idea of razorblogging for a while myself (generally in the shower. Now there's a topic for another day... Showerblogging. Or maybe not). Anyway, I'm a safety-blade man myself. (Mach 3 turbo, in the shower, no shaving cream, if you must know. If you didn't, the bleach to wipe out that mental image is in the kitchen cabinet). I started out with a really cheap electric ...
We're hosting easter dinner this weekend, and it has inspired us to get some of the clean-up that we''ve been putting off for a while done finally. I finally got the Ivar shelving that I've been wanting since we moved in here 4 years ago, and our computer room is a much neater place. This before I've even sorted out stuff! Easter dinner is going ot be small. Just my in-laws, my sister-in-law's current boyfriend, and us. My father, my brother, and his fiance can't make it for a variety of g...
61.904761904761905% of me is a huge nerd! How about you? 50%-69% - Dangerously make that dangeresque.
USS Clueless is just about the first thing I read of a morning. It's the site that I was introduced to blogging by (via the monthly Stardock newsletter, of all things), and I spread out from there. I had read some stuff out of Mr. denBeste's Essential Library, but not his Manifesto. So today's post was the first time I saw this quote from it: I finally realized a while back that to many people the world is a magical mystical place, full of gods and spirits and ghosts, with thing...
I'm sure some of the people reading this right now have come from one of the comments I've left on a variety of other blogs concerning gay marriage. Like any number of so-called "conservative" bloggers, I'm for it. Spare me the religious justifications for being against it - not everyone holds the same religious beliefs (and if the only reason you're against it is religious, why doesn't the First Amendment then currently require the government to allow same-sex marriages). Spare me the econom...
"Remember back in the day playing capture the Klingon with those Star Trek tracer guns that shot those little round 'Jet Discs'? Of course you do. ThinkGeek recently stumbled upon the 21st century take of that classic launcher. Inspired by the bullet time scenes from the Matrix, the Shot Blade was developed to create slow flying projectiles that were also accurate and consistent from launch to launch. They succeeded! " I just have to worry about the cats stealing my ammo Well, that, an...
"Nothing's worn under _my_ kilt. Everything there is in perfect working order. " - David Wangen in a thread on baen's bar about Highland Paratroopers