I found this the other day from a post in Baen's Bar. Now, can someone tell me how to actually create another category in My Favorites to the right? The instructions say I can do it by creating a blank entry without a URL, but that doesn't work.
Presenting - Guns of the Matrix. This guy is awesome
And if I could get to the bit that lets me add stuff ot My Favorites over on the right, he'd be on it. Once again, a lovely piece of work. OK, he gets paid to write, so you'd expect him to be good at it, but my expectations were lowered by the NYTimes editorial page...
Topology fascinates me. So I had to follow up on this...
I will impbibe alcohol from time to time, but it's not a big deal to me. Nonetheless, I know some of you care. Without further ado - I give you Slate's review of Vodka
An old optical illusion, but still a good one
Neal Stephenson was "interviewed" by the readership of slashdot. And It Was Good.
A tech support story gone horribly wrong.
How to speak like a Yakuza
This started out as a comment on Citizen Smash's blog; his wife was asking for advice on picking out a new verison phone. The advice is based on that company's offerings Step 1 of cell phone purchasing; figure out how much you want to pay, what you need to do with it, what you want to do with it, what would be nice to have; in that order. Verizon is a CDMA carrier - the main thing this means is that none of their phones will work in europe or most other countries AT ALL. (they'll work i...
I have decided that Amicus Curiae is latin for kitbitzers
My wife pointed me at this article in the Consumerist which touched on the policies regarding unaccompanied minors for various airlines. Several of the commentators were shocked that Southwest officially did not escort children of 12+ years; and in general that children of 10-13 or so were not treated as defenseless to the world. By the time I was 13 (I say that because it was 20 years ago, and my memory is hazy for which summers some of this happened in) I had done or was allowed to ...
Sebastian offers us this story of a home defense incident involving a sword. (It turns out well for the sword wielder). Picture yourself in this position, though; especially if you are not a large and fit man. A large man, dripping blood, has just entered your bedroom and is demanding that you keep quiet and don't let the police know he's there. He is evidently not in his right mind. What are your options? What can you do, what will you do? Locking the doors didn't help this couple -...
(Title from a song by Tim McGraw) I was at work when someone said down the row of desks "Did you hear about a plane hitting the World Trade Center?" I assumed that it was a General Aviation (light) aircraft, and said something to the effect that the towers were built to withstand that, having learned from the incident with the Empire State building and a B-25 bomber... Sadly, I was proven wrong. But that's not what was imprinted on my brain that day; rather, a little while later, I was ...