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IanTyger's Articles In Politics » Page 2
March 8, 2004 by IanTyger
I'm going to list some of the reasons I am not only going to vote against Kerry (despite my numerous problems with President Bush's policies), but encourage as many people as possible to vote against him. I'm relying on the words of those who are much better writers that I. "That isn't enough. Based on everything I know about him now, I cannot in good conscience consider voting for him. I would rather vote for a candidate with known policies with which I disagree than for a candidate wh...
March 12, 2004 by IanTyger
It sounds out there - the Saudis are raising oil prices and pulling out of the US currency markets to torpedo President Bush's re-election chances. But this is the kind of "conspiracy" theory that works. It isn't complex, it doesn't have a single point of failure, and doesn't require people to act out of character. I've been wondering why gasoline prices have been slowly drifting up over the past year, even though the Iraqi oil production has been rising. As far as I know, Venezuela (the ...
March 13, 2004 by IanTyger
I have a lapel button that someone bought me as a gift a while back that says, "If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?" Apparently, in Australia, that option too is being shut down. I can hear people say "Oh, but it's a sword, what purpose does it have for someone to own?" Well, my wife owns one sword right now, and wants to get a second, and the reason she wants them is as works of art. I own a couple myself, for the same reason. But banning legal ownership swords because a few people hav...
March 24, 2004 by IanTyger
What I want to know, is why this administration DID NOTHING when I lost my job ... in 1999!
March 24, 2004 by IanTyger
I'm on a linking frenzy today. I have an uncontrollable urge to say "heh". Seriously folks - I'm beginning to think that we are seeing the opening of the Bush Rope Store - 6 foot lengths, easy financing, oak tree thrown in free. And the Dem's are queuing up.
April 9, 2004 by IanTyger
I don't have much to add to this.
April 24, 2004 by IanTyger
As should be obvious by perusing my archives, I would rather have President Bush win in November than Senator Kerry (or Nader, for that matter). So I am immensly cheered whenever Senator Kerry makes a verbal misstep or otherwise stumbles in public (witness his recent dissembling about the ownership of the family SUV in Montana, the kerfuffle surrounding his Vietnam service etc). However, on the other hand, President Bush doesn't seem to be doing all that well himself. Admittedly, I'm spend...
May 17, 2004 by IanTyger
Seymour Hersh is the man who brough the prisoner abuse scandal to the front pages of most major newspapers, and the TVs of America. He is the prime mover for the scandal. But who is he? Check the linked post for more info. (I hope my readers have figured out some of my views by now...)
May 19, 2004 by IanTyger
I'm not happy about President Bush, but unless something changes with the Kerry campaign, I'll be voting for him this Fall. Glenn Reynolds managed to touch some of the reason why. He's the Anti-Bush. But that's not a policy statement. He can't do everything that Bush didn't do, and the policies that I know he wants to undo, I don't want undone. (Tax cuts, and "internationalization" of the Iraq effort. The UN is being proven again and again as a corrupt, inept, club for dictators; an...
May 19, 2004 by IanTyger
Who is taking sides?Well, other than me
June 30, 2004 by IanTyger
This article from Slate is very interesting. "As you may already know, one of America's two political parties is extremely religious. Sixty-one percent of this party's voters say they pray daily or more often. An astounding 92 percent of them believe in life after death. And there's a hard-core subgroup in this party of super-religious Christian zealots. Very conservative on gay marriage, half of the members of this subgroup believe Bush uses too little religious rhetoric, and 51...
June 30, 2004 by IanTyger
This post , on a blog I follow just so I don't have a one-sided view of the world, disturbs me. From the first line we have cognitive dissonance: "I've written and re-written a post about Fahrenheit 9/11, and I just have to admit that I'm irreconcilably ambivalent and can't resolve the issue it presents. Moore is dishonest and grossly manipulative, but I applauded anyway, because, simply, he hates Bush and so do I." Now, I have no idea who Unfogged is; what his or her persona...
August 16, 2004 by IanTyger
I've been somewhat busy these last couple of weeks. I started a new job the second week of July. I'm working as phone-based technical support for a major CDMA cellular carrier. I'm supporting the carrier's data products as a second/third level support tech. Basically, if you are using data services over the CDMA system (or CDPD; an analog data system), and the first level technicians can't solve your problem with the resources they have, they escalate to us. I generally dela with around 15 ca...
September 7, 2004 by IanTyger
This Drudge Report makes an interesting snark about the gun-toting image that Senator Kerry is trying to project. For those of you who are wary of Drudge's accuracy, the facts he is basing this on are easily checkec (and perhaps why Senator Kerry is not running on his record?) UPDATE: Instapundit has this to say on the subject
September 8, 2004 by IanTyger
Was it legal for the presenter to give it to him? Was it legal for him to accept? And does he still have it, transporting it in violation of several federal laws? Mind you, I'm not a big supporter of the laws in question - as the commentor on the site says, these laws have dubious relationships with the 2nd Amendment. But still... how is a senator any different from me if my father decides to give me a shotgun of his, when we reside in different states? Edit: Apparently there is an except...