I haven't been inspired to write something of my own recently, so I'll link to this Christopher Hitchens piece in Slate. Every so often I do venture to read Slate, and this one struck me as interesting.
So I'm reading Carnival of the Cats Link and I realize that while I am limited in my own catblogging by lack of camera, there's no reason I can't pass on other peoples' catblogs (which I guess is the point of Carnival of the Cats. Anyway, I present - The Auto-Tracking Self-Propelled Flycatcher!
Via SSDB comes this gem about workplace harassment. I read it, and all I have to say is that I had better not work there - I enjoy making cryptic references (pop culture, historical, what-have-you).
From Ananova comes this little bit of wackiness " Childless couple told to try sex A German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they are still childless - they weren't having sex. " All I can say is, did they avoid every form of media out there?
A couple of peopel point out this kind of thing is slightly more likely to happen in private schools due to the direct connect between keeping the parents happy and the money coming in. There's no good answer, really.
I love this story. Classic shaggy dog story meets the info age.
“...it only looks 'erratic and incoherent' from the outside. [Obama’s] throwing every piece of the progressive/socialist pasta at the wall, and demanding that it stick.” Emphasis mine – to point out what really makes this quote. Not just that he’s trying everything in his playbook; but he’s insisting that it work, that we make it work, and that opposition is unthinkable. (Found here – and the rest of Ann Althouse’s post is worth the read as well)
Bruce Schneier is a reasonably level-headed individual when it comes to most security-related issues. But, apparently, gunz r scawwy . Even in the hands of Boston’s PD (notorious for overreacting) they’re just another semiautomatic rifle. Whether the beat cops need a rifle is a question worth asking, but Schneier just panics that they’re getting “automatic weapons”. LiveJournal Tags: Guns guns guns
In the end, the sheer size of this country, and the differences within it, may defeat the attempts of the current US government to make the US over. It’s going to falter on two facts: individuals do not always and everywhere behave as members of the classes to which they belong, and the US is fractally diverse. On the first fact: I am relatively conservative, both financially, legally, and socially. I fit many of the stereotypes of the right-wing republican voter (this has led to some heate...
This report from the BBC has me pricing up shotguns and chainsaws. LiveJournal Tags: Memetic Interference , we aren't the world , zombies
Linky hopefully leading to thinky Part I —Want to Ensure Your Kid Never Commits a Gun Crime? GIVE Him a Gun. Part II —The Myth of Gun Safety. What you must know in order to truly protect your children. Part III —When is it Safe to Educate Your Children on Guns? Part IV —What’s Really Responsible for the Deaths of Our Nation’s Children? Something to think about over in my cave as well LiveJournal Tags: Guns guns gun
http://wheelgun.blogspot.com/2009/04/virginia-should-outlaw-guns-on-campus.html – I can’t add anything more than she did
The question is: “Do I have a right to defend myself?” The answer must be Yes or No.
The question is: “Do I have a right to defend myself?” The answer must be Yes or No.