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IanTyger's Articles » Page 9
October 7, 2004 by IanTyger
Bush used the potential of Iraqi WMDs to invade Iraq so that we would have Iran (a country that there is not question anymore about being inimical to the USA and attempting to acquire WMD) caught in a two-front vise. So that we would have battle-hardened troops on the border of Iran. He took advantage of Saddam's intransigence. This compares to the undeclared war FDR had going in the North Atlantic between the US Navy and the Nazi Kriegsmarine. FDR had to drag the US kicking and screaming ...
October 7, 2004 by IanTyger
Glenn Reynolds finds them, and pulls out the gems. I link to them, and add my comments. I must call attention to one thing here though. DW came to me this morning and said the UN inspectors looking for WMD in Iraq have concluded that Iraq had none. To which my response was "That's not the point of the war." And now I find out the rest of the story: "Although they found no evidence that Saddam had made any WMD since 1992, they found documents which showed the "guiding theme" of his regim...
October 7, 2004 by IanTyger
I draw your attention to the following articles ( part 1 and part 2 ). Written by one of the many people who are more eloquent that I, they cut to heart of why I still support President Bush and will be voting for him on 2 November. September 11th, 2001. The second of two days where I can remember where I was when I heard the news (the first was the Challenger disaster). What I particularly remember is standing in the doorway between the tech bay and the imaging room in my place of em...
October 4, 2004 by IanTyger
This is a quick note jotted off in haste - I'll be updating it later. But the link goees to a story about a NJ teacher who is in hot water for posting a picture of President GW Bush in a display of other presidents. More to follow when I have time
October 3, 2004 by IanTyger
I may have mentioned this before, but we don't have a TV in use. What we do have is a computer with a TV tuner in it (actually, with 2 tuners, but I digress). It has software to do timeshifting and recording to HD; all the useful TiVO functions (including a prgram guide). I've been recording TV shows on and off. This is great for for us; but we have no way of getting the shows off so someone else can watch them. I recently acquired a DVD drive (DVD-R/RAM), and I'm now trying to burn my first ...
September 27, 2004 by IanTyger
An old optical illusion, but still a good one
September 15, 2004 by IanTyger
The referenced post says one thing to me - that Stardock is tryign to remake one of my favorite games of all time. More power to them!
September 13, 2004 by IanTyger
One current method of fighting robots that sign themselves or other people up for mailing lists, contests, etc. is to have a random alphanumeric string presented in a way that makes it difficult to OCR the string. What happens when OCR tech improves? (Note, I believe that humna-grade OCR is considered to be an AI-complete problem, along with natural language recognition (though great strides are being made there in number recognition. Also see the language recognizer in Unreal Tournament 2...
September 10, 2004 by IanTyger
Via the Volokh Conspiracy comes this Neal Stephenson trivia contest - but see note (Enoch Root is not the answer).
September 8, 2004 by IanTyger
Was it legal for the presenter to give it to him? Was it legal for him to accept? And does he still have it, transporting it in violation of several federal laws? Mind you, I'm not a big supporter of the laws in question - as the commentor on the site says, these laws have dubious relationships with the 2nd Amendment. But still... how is a senator any different from me if my father decides to give me a shotgun of his, when we reside in different states? Edit: Apparently there is an except...
September 7, 2004 by IanTyger
This Drudge Report makes an interesting snark about the gun-toting image that Senator Kerry is trying to project. For those of you who are wary of Drudge's accuracy, the facts he is basing this on are easily checkec (and perhaps why Senator Kerry is not running on his record?) UPDATE: Instapundit has this to say on the subject
September 7, 2004 by IanTyger
In this bit, Instapundit links to a couple of people who have had bad experiences with CompUSA. I note in one case the issue is with a laptop, and in both cases, the problem is with an extended warranty. I shop at CompUSA (despite lower prices available at mail-order) for a couple of reasons. The biggest one is that there is not a MicroCenter within reasonable driving distance of me. (My parents have one near them, and it has slightly better prices and a much better selection of parts.) Se...
September 6, 2004 by IanTyger
We now have an example of criminals using alternate means to commit violence in what should be a violence-free paradise now that guns are extremely difficult to get ahold of. And, no doubt, we'll hear that no-one "needs" to have a crossbow; and they can be banned "to protect the people" or other such nonsense. Feh.Updated to correct spelling
September 6, 2004 by IanTyger
I will impbibe alcohol from time to time, but it's not a big deal to me. Nonetheless, I know some of you care. Without further ado - I give you Slate's review of Vodka
September 2, 2004 by IanTyger
If you haven't heard of Rain-X, it's a product that you can apply to automotive glass that significantly increases the point at which water beads up on the glass and flows off. You can get in several different forms and ways to apply it to glass (I get it as my windshield wiper fluid). the end result of it is that I have to run my wipers a lot less often in the rain - as the incoming rains beads up immediately, and slides off, making for a much less obscured view. One of the niftiest thing...